How to Make Spicy Ramen Noodles Less Spicy (2024)

We all have fond memories of nights up late in the dorm room, munching on ramen noodles. Even in your dorm room, you probably learned that hot sauce was a great way to spice up your noodle bowl. If you’re a fan ofspicy ramen, you probably have a few favorite recipes in your back packet.

We like to think thatMike’s Mighty Good ramen is the best on the market. But even the most delicious, amazing, outstanding noodles can’t save you from an excessive amount of heat. So what do you do when you’ve added too much hot sauce, chili powder, or other spice? Let’s talk about some effective methods, along with some tasty spicy ramen recipes.

How to Make Spicy Ramen Noodles Less Spicy (1)

4 Ways to Make Spicy Ramen More Mild

It’s easy to make your noodles too spicy. One extra splash of hot sauce or an added dash of pepper can turn a delicious ramen bowl into a disaster. Or maybe you tried a new recipe and it was spicier than you expected! Here are four easy ways to turn down the heat and salvage your meal.

How to Make Spicy Ramen Noodles Less Spicy (2)

1. Sugar

This one is a no-brainer. It’s easy, and everyone has it in their kitchen. The beautiful thing about sugar is that it goes well in pretty much any recipe. Sweet and sour and sweet and spicy are some of the most popular flavor combinations in Asian cuisine. The ramen will still be spicy, but the sugar will take the edge off of it.

You don’t just have to use white granulated sugar, either. Any type of sugar will do. Brown sugar, honey, or even corn syrup will do the trick. Add a little bit at a time and taste as you go so you don’t overdo it.

2. Acidity

Acidity helps to balance out spice. Think of ingredients like lemon juice, lime juice, and even vinegar. Orange juice can even be a creative choice, and gives you a great combination of sweet and sour.

3. Milk

Milk is a popular ingredient in many ramen noodle recipes. It makes your bowl creamy, rich, and smooth in a way that few other ingredients can. It’s also a well-known way to moderate spicy food. Anyone who’s ever drank a glass of milk after eating some chicken wings knows how effective it can be.

If you’re vegan or lactose-intolerant, don’t worry. Soy milk, almond milk, and other milk alternatives can be just as effective. They also add different flavors to your noodles, so you can mix things up by changing between them.

4. Cheese

Cheese is our favorite way of moderating spicy ramen. It’s easy to add after the fact, since you can just lay a slice or three over the top.

Any type of cheese will do. You can use cheddar if you want a powerful, cheesy flavor, or Swiss for a bolder, slightly bitter flavor. Or you can add a couple of American cheese singles for a more casual feel.

Regardless of the type, cheese is creamy, gooey, and stringy, and it’s just plain delicious. Even if your ramen isn’t spicy, cheese is never a bad idea.

Spicy Ramen Recipes

If you’re a fan of spicy ramen, you’re probably on the lookout for some new recipe ideas. Here are a few of our favorites to get your creative juices flowing.

Creamy Spicy Miso Ramen

How to Make Spicy Ramen Noodles Less Spicy (3)

Everyone lovesmiso ramen. So why not take a miso ramen and make it spicy? We start with our savory miso pillow pack, which is essential. It’s rich and savory and you can combine it with anything. We wanted something with plenty of kick, so we decided to throw in some gochujang sauce.

To keep things reasonably mild, we added soy milk. Not only will it dial down the heat, but it will also contribute a nutty flavor that goes well with just about anything. You can swap in some regular milk if you want, or use another milk substitute like almond milk. As for other ingredients, go wild! You can add any vegetables or protein you like.

Spicy Korean Beef Ramen

How to Make Spicy Ramen Noodles Less Spicy (4)

This recipe starts out with a packet of savorybeef ramen. Sambal and chili oil provide plenty of heat, along some chili paste for extra punch. This is already spicy enough. But if you want an even spicier ramen bowl, you can use a Mike’s Mighty Good spicy ramen pack. Keep your fire extinguisher handy – this dish is blazing hot!

Spicy Cheesy Ramen

To understand the appeal of this recipe, look no further than the name. It’s spicy. It’s cheesy. It’s ramen. What else do you need to know?

We mix milk into the broth while it’s boiling. Then when it’s cooling off, we blend in some sriracha and hot sauce, with garlic and red pepper. American cheese goes over the top, and melts down into the rest of the mix. It creates a gooey, creamy sauce that’s too tempting to resist. It’s also easy to adjust the amount of sauce you add and control how spicy it is.

Vegan Spicy Cheesy Ramen

How to Make Spicy Ramen Noodles Less Spicy (6)

We just talked about spicy cheesy ramen, but there’s also avegan ramen option. It’s pretty straightforward. Instead of using regular milk, you just use a plant-based alternative. Combine this with vegan cheese and vegan sriracha, and you’ll have everything you need.

Whatever you do, it’s essential that your plant-based milk is unsweetened. Sweetened milks can create off flavors that will ruin your recipe.

Spicy Shrimp Ramen

How to Make Spicy Ramen Noodles Less Spicy (7)

Who doesn’t love a delicious bowl of seafood ramen? Shrimp is easy to cook in your microwave or a steamer, and it goes well withkimchi ramen. Garlic, sriracha, pepper, and chili oil provide heat, and a dab of honey sweetens the pot. Garnish with some cilantro and other vegetables, and you’re ready to chow down!

Spicy Chicken Ramen

How to Make Spicy Ramen Noodles Less Spicy (8)

Our spicy chicken ramen is very spicy. Gochujang sauce, chili paste, sriracha, and hot sauce all contribute to the flavor. You can increase or decrease your quantities as desired to get the perfect level of spice.

Rabokki Ramen

How to Make Spicy Ramen Noodles Less Spicy (9)

Rabokki ramen isn’t just ramen. It’s a Japanese-Korean fusion dish meant to imitate tteokbokki, which is a popular Korean street food. The Korean version consists of layers of rice cakes soaped in soup broth, with layers of fish cakes and gochujang paste in-between.

We skipped the fish cakes, but otherwise rabokki ramen is more or less the same. We even added a poached egg, which replaces the protein lost from the fish cakes and adds a gooey, yolky appeal.

Coconut Curry Ramen

How to Make Spicy Ramen Noodles Less Spicy (10)

This recipe provides an irresistible combination of sweet and spicy flavors. We start by cooking a garlic chicken ramen pillow pack in a mixture of broth and coconut milk. Once the noodles are done, we add curry paste for heat as well as that unmistakable curry flavor. Fried ground chicken absorbs a lot of the heat, and makes a tasty combination when mixed with the coconut milk.

Start With the Best Noodles

No matter what kind of spicy ramen you fancy, you should start with a good quality organic ramen noodle. This means thinking outside the big box store. The ramen you buy off the shelf is boiled in oil, which adds off flavors and changes the color and texture. The flavor packets are also heavy on salt and light on real seasoning.

Mike’s ramen is made in the traditional Japanese way, with a slow steaming process. It takes longer than flash-frying, but you end up with a much better noodle. You can’t cut corners and expect to get the same high-quality food. Our flavor packets are made with a variety of seasonings, like a chef would use in a restaurant. You’re not just getting a little baggie of salt. Add some protein and a few vegetables, and you’ll have a complete meal.

How to Make Spicy Ramen Noodles Less Spicy (2024)


How to Make Spicy Ramen Noodles Less Spicy? ›

Sugar, honey or agave syrup can be added to balance out heat; just be careful not to add too much or your spicy noodles will wind up tasting more like dessert. You can also try combining an acid and a sugar together to double-team the heat.

How do you alter spicy noodles? ›

Sugar, honey or agave syrup can be added to balance out heat; just be careful not to add too much or your spicy noodles will wind up tasting more like dessert. You can also try combining an acid and a sugar together to double-team the heat.

What are less spicy Korean noodles? ›

If you prefer something less spicy, Jajangmyeon Instant Noodles is another traditional Korean noodle dish. This tasty noodle is topped with a semi-sweet black bean sauce made with pork and vegetables. Most Jajangmyeon Noodles come with soy sauce and a crunchy fried onion to add to your meal.

How do you mellow down spicy food? ›

6 Tips to Fix Dishes That Are Too Spicy
  1. Add Dairy. There's a lot of hype about using milk to help provide relief from spicy foods, and for good reason. ...
  2. Use Citrus. ...
  3. Add Nuts or Nut Butters. ...
  4. Sprinkle in Sugar. ...
  5. Add Starch or Grains. ...
  6. Dilute It.
Apr 14, 2022

How do you neutralize spicy food? ›

Balancing it with an acid can help neutralize the molecule's activity. This means drinking or eating something acidic — such as lemonade, limeade, orange juice or a tomato-based food item or drink — may also help cool your mouth down. (Milk is also acidic, by the way.) DO down some carbs.

Does egg make noodles less spicy? ›

Adding eggs to your instant noodles will help to tone down that spiciness, but it'll also create a more balanced meal with an extra serving of protein.

How do you dilute spicy pasta? ›

You can fix pasta sauce that is too spicy by adding dairy such as cream and cheese, adding an element of acid such as lemon juice, adding more tomatoes, adding a pinch of sugar, adding extra ingredients such as veggies, or using less of the sauce and adding extra side dishes like salad and garlic bread.

What ramen is not spicy? ›

Ottogi Jin Ramen Mild is often the go-to choice of those who don't enjoy the spiciness of the usual Korean ramyun, but still want to ramyun experience.

What can I add to 2x spicy noodles to make less spicy? ›

Dairy is one of the easiest ways to tone down the spiciness of noodle based dishes. Just add a dollop of heavy cream or soured cream, or even cream cheese, and stir through. Taste, and add more dairy if you feel like you need to.

Why is ramen so spicy? ›

Spicy Chicken Ramen

Gochujang sauce, chili paste, sriracha, and hot sauce all contribute to the flavor.

Can I add milk to ramen? ›

Dairy milk gives your ramen a milky, creamy character. It takes the heat out of spicy ramen and adds a thick, rich texture. Soy milk, on the other hand, is sweet and nutty. It's not as thick and creamy.

How do you make spicy ramen taste better? ›

10 Ingredients to Spice Up Your Ramen
  1. Sriracha. For those looking to add a different kind of kick in the form of heat, Sriracha is your option! ...
  2. Peanut Butter. ...
  3. Dried Seaweed. ...
  4. Furikake. ...
  5. Kimchi. ...
  6. Miso Paste. ...
  7. Soy Sauce. ...
  8. Eggs.
May 4, 2022

How do you deepen the flavor of ramen? ›

Add a Splash of Soy Sauce

Go for a classic taste and grab the soy sauce. Its deep umami and rich saltiness are central to many Asian cuisines. Just a little splash can deepen your ramen's flavor in a traditional way — shoyu ramen is a classic Japanese dish that features soy sauce (shoyu) as a main ingredient.

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